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Research Interest

Suspension Rheology

 Colloidal suspensions, such as colloidal gel and glass, are ubiquitous across a wide range of natural phenomena and industrial products and processes. We explore rich rheological behaviors of suspensions and their micro-physical origins.  

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Nonlinear rheological behavior

 Materials inevitably undergo significant physical changes under flow and deformation. Such physical changes manifest themselves into various nonlinear rheological behaviors. One of our research interest is quantitative analysis and physical interpretation of the nonlinear rheological behaviors of materials.    

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Cosmetics Rheology

Using rheological analysis and machine learning, it is possible to predict several sensory textures, such as spreadability, adhesiveness, and softness. We are the leading research group in the field of psyco-rheology.


Complex fluid process

 Industrial process, such as printing and coating, contains non-homogeneous flow of rheologically complicated materials. It is essential to understand and control the non-homogeneous flow to design and control a fluid process. We study how the complex rheological properties affect fluid process.      

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Various Applications

 We are conducting a variety of studies from energy materials to personal care, collaborating with collegues in industry and academia.

연구: 연구
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